Skunkworks Foil Polish
in it is a secret!
We hear it hear so often, so many foilers just don't realize how much tarnish effects the performance of their hydrofoil. It's easy to understand why too, because it happens so slowly you just don't notice it. The most common thing we hear after tuning & polishing a customer's foil and returning it to them is they think we sent them a completely different foil back. The Skunkworks polish is a great way to maintain that performance enhancing polished finish your foil so badly needs. And if you don't want to do the dirty work just send your foil in to us, we're happy to do it for you!
Dab a small
amount of polish on a rag, cotton works best but even paper towels will work.
Rub it onto the part you want to polish and rub back & forth or in a
circular motion in about a 4” area. Do not keep adding polish, the polish will
turn black when it is working and will continue to as long as there is moisture
in the rag. If you add too much polish this will slow down the cutting action
of the polish and all you will be doing is wasting polish and time. Buff/wipe
the black off with your polishing rag and finally with a clean rag and you are
good to go. 2oz container is enough to polish your foil all season long.